
So my K word is Karma and yes although its Sanskrit,it has made its way to the Oxford dictionary! Karma is a very common and known word now, it basically means the result or force of one’s actions in the present and past deciding their future. The belief is if you do good karma you end up having a good fate and if you do bad karma then obviously you end up having a bad fate…

Karma is not just dependent on the actions one does but also on the intention behind it. I think the way the word is pronounced itself kind of explains its meaning…i feel its a very powerful and at the same time satisfying word to both say and hear.

Karma holds big importance and finds its roots in Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism and Buddhism.It literally is a one word synonym for the phrase from the Bible- ‘as you sow, so shall you reap.’ Lets all strive to do some good Karma in whatever little time we have on this beautiful planet!

Do share with me in comments your favourite words starting with K ! I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z  so pls check it out! Tweet to me at @NewGirlNewCity

I would love it if you would go through my remaining blogs as part of this challenge, you never know maybe you would end up adding a new word to your vocab!




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