
Grateful 🙏 Hope to grow more and be a litttttlllle more active!! 😊

Its okay!

Its okay to make wrong choices…else u will never learn the difference…Its okay to be argumentative …u atleast have a point of view…Its okay to feel weak at times…reminds u tat u r nothing when compared to the Creator n His creations…Its okay to sumtimes be the hated one…tat requires guts too..Its okay to make... Continue Reading →

Beautiful people.

There exists a parallel world. One of bling and luxury, One lived to make others envious, Burdened only by their first world problems. Oh the blitz and glamour, Sparkle and wine, Food and luxury, Yet empty minded souls and starved bodies. So superficial, it makes them sick, Nevertheless, they keep chasing more. Clothes of silk... Continue Reading →

Life as we know it!

My last post was on the 15th of here I am 3 months later! Quite a long break for a blogger and an even longer break for me on a personal front coz there is soooo much happening! I remember some time back, I used to complain that nothing at all is happening in... Continue Reading →

The Non pluviophile

I bet 80% of you already dislike me after reading this title! But stay a while and read it through, will you?..........please?! So yes I kind of dislike the, I didnt say 'hate', I said 'dislike', but not 'hate' coz thats too harsh.....for example...I 'hate' terrorism and I 'dislike' the rain. So theres a... Continue Reading →

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